CD and DVD ISO images

John Summerfield debian at
Sat Jan 26 00:21:23 UTC 2008

William Hooper wrote:
> On Jan 25, 2008 4:19 PM, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa at> wrote:
>> I have "Bob" the link to the fedora unity spins page
>> Bob was able to read the page
>> Bob was able to detect that though the page, he could get the CD ISOs
>> Bob was able to click the links and get to the message where he was
>> told abotu jigdo and given the jigdo file to download
>> Bob then concluded that jigdo was Linux only, so gave up as he was on Windows
> Way be when I first looked at downloading Debian, I had a similar
> experience.  The difference was that I see no value in having to
> download and install a special program that I'm going to only use once
> to download one thing.  I already have ways of downloading files via
> ftp, http, etc., why do I need to mess with this new program?
> At the time that lead me to Red Hat ISOs, because I didn't have to do
> anything out of the ordinary to get them.

Nor did you ever need to with Debian. Jigdo is good when you can do one 
of these:
1. Refresh an ISO to a respin
2. Download most of the files from an advantageous mirror that does not 
carry the ISO. It might be from your own personal mirror.
3. Create different-sized ISOs from those you already have (see the 
subject line)

If you want CD or DVD ISOs and the size you want is on your best mirror, 
there is no point to jigdo.



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