Finding minimized GNOME windows on a VNC desktop

Jimmy Bradley bmobile40 at
Mon Jan 28 09:42:15 UTC 2008

         I'm probably wrong on this, and I admit there's a lot about
running linux that I don't know, but when running gnome, isn't the top
panel where you add all your launchers and so forth, and the bottom
panel is where the minimized programs reside? That's how I've been doing
it anyway.

On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 09:21 +0000, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> >>>>> "Colin" == Colin Paul Adams <colin at> writes:
>     Colin> But trying to add anything to it is still a NOP (although I
>     Colin> CAN get New Panel to work from it).
> That's not quite true - I can add a launcher from the menus (but not a
> custom launcher).
> -- 
> Colin Adams
> Preston Lancashire

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