Why is Fedora not a Free GNU/Linux distributions?

Antonio Olivares olivares14031 at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 19 19:05:32 UTC 2008

> Err...  Is there any reason NetApp would have to wait for
> the end of
> the lawsuit with Sun to sue FreeBSD out of existence?
> -- 

Even if they did not wait, Sun would protect them :)


First, the basics. Sun indemnifies all its customers against IP claims like this. That is, we've always protected our markets from trolls, so customers can continue to use ZFS without concern for spurious patent and copyright issues. We stand behind our innovation, and our customers. 

 Second, Sun protects the communities using our technologies under free software licenses. As an example, Apple is including ZFS is in their upcoming "Leopard" OS X release. This is happening without any payment to Sun (that's how truly free software works). Under the license, we've waived all rights to sue them for any of the patents or copyright associated with ZFS. We've let Apple know we will use our patent portfolio to protect them and the Mac ZFS community from Net App. With or without a commercial relationship to Sun. 
That's true for any licensee - in fact, Net App could adopt ZFS today and receive the same protection. The port is done to FreeBSD, the OS on which Net App's filers are built. They could use it without owing us a dime, and they'd be protected from our portfolio. (The quid pro quo? They'd have to agree to offer reciprocal protection to Sun.)




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