KDE4 Desktop icons ?

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Fri Jul 18 15:36:00 UTC 2008

linuxguy wrote:

> I upgraded to F9 when it first came out.  Everything works, but my
> desktop is a mess.  But surely I am missing something, after all, why
> are the KDE developers so proud of their work ?

I'll skip the passive snarkiness here.  Oh wait... :)

> So... how is one supposed to use the KDE4 desktop ?  Right now I have
> about 100 icons for folders and files randomly dispersed on the desktop.
> How do I clean them up and get my desktop organized again ?

the "Desktop" was kinda lame in 4.0.  4.1 includes a folderview plasma widget that will be closer to classic expectations/usage.

> I hate that I can't drag and drop files into folders on the desktop.  Is
> there a way to do this without using Dolphin ?

nope.  The desktop emulation in 4.0 was to emulate each file/folder in your "Desktop" folder as an independent plasma widget (see lame comment above).

besides, hate is such a strong word.  chill.

> I hate the "collars" that appear around the file and folder icons.   Can
> they be turned off ?


-- Rex

p.s. I hate posts that use the word hate, especially hate responding to posts mentioning hate.  ....  oops.

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