f9 wireless reconnection problems

max bianco maximilianbianco at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 16:37:20 UTC 2008

On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 9:35 PM, Jack Howarth <howarth at bromo.msbb.uc.edu> wrote:
>   I am seeing a problem under Fedora 9 x86_64 with the
> madwifi wireless drivers in use. What I find is that on
> occasion the wireless connection will drop and the NetworkManager
> will attempt to reconnect to the wireless network. However
> this process always fails as follows. A dialog appears saying
> that the wireless network (correctly) requires a WPA2 password
> (which it refers to as a secret). The dialog is preloaded with
> the saved password for this wireless network. However when I
> click the show password checkbox, the password is always shown
> as a long series of digits rather than the plain text that it
> should be. If I re-enter the password as text and click connect,
> the reconnection to the wireless network always fails.

It is showing the encrypted hash value unless I miss my guess, it gets
stored this way in the keyring manager. Don't replace it just hit
I am seeing similar behavior on F8 with the latest kernel. Its
slightly finicky but it generally connects without much prodding on my
part. It hasn't ever dropped on me once it connected though....


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