PNPACPI message at boot ?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Mon Mar 10 19:59:36 UTC 2008

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 15:21:23 -0400
Rick Bilonick <rab at> wrote:

> I'm receiving the same message after installing the new kernel.

Me too. As near as I can tell from poking around in various
linux kernel mailing lists, nothing at all is different other
than printing the message (nothing about the way the acpi nonsense
works actually changed). Apparently the plan is to remove the
message because all it does is confuse people :-).

(I can't believe we are living in the 21st century and there
are still fixed size tables in the linux kernel which are
regularly exceeded by common hardware - come on linux hackers,
how about making all the tables dynamic instead of wasting
all your time gratuitously changing macro names so you can
feel like you've accomplished something by fixing the 14,000
device drivers to use the new macro name :-).

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