Copying a Hard Disk Containing Windows With Fedora

jdow jdow at
Mon Mar 17 19:53:31 UTC 2008

From: "Bill Davidsen" <davidsen at>
Sent: Friday, 2008, March 14 13:11

> Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:
>>      Dear friends,
>>   I need to copy the hard disk of a Windows computer to a new hard
>> disk of equal size. I was thinking of connecting both drives
>> (SATA/150), booting from the Fedora 8 Rescue Disk and then do
>>   dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb
>>   in hope that after that, the second hard disk can be used in place
>> of the first one (including booting Windows, of course).
>>   Does this work? Thanks!
> If the drives are not totally identical, I believe that you want to 
> create a partition on the destination of the same type and size, make it 
> active and then copy the partition (with dd as you proposed). There was 
> a reason for doing it that way, but I have no idea what it is/was years 
> after learning that the hard way.
> If you have an identical drive just do what you wanted, it should work.

No, bill, as long as the destination is larger you can make the copy. I
now have an additional 40G partition on my XP laptop disk.


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