I need an old kernel.

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Mon Mar 17 21:14:19 UTC 2008

Mauriat M wrote:
> Didn't think of that either.  Even though it would be much more
> laborious.
> I'm assuming I would have to do a full checkout?  Is there an easier
> way?

Not that springs to mind.  Ideally, you'd check out the package from
cvs, use make srpm to create a source rpm, then feed that to mock to
build a binary package (or packages in many cases).  That would get
you results that should be nearly identical to what came out of the
fedora buildsystem originally.

Matt Domsch happens to be working on a tool to make it easier to get
the corresponding source for anything that the buildsystem produces.


> cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at cvs.fedora.redhat.com:/cvs/pkgs co kernel -r tagname
> What would the tagname be?  I tried several combinations of "2.6.21",
> "1.3228" and "fc7" to no avail.

The tag would be the package name, version, and release, with the dots
replaced by underscores.  For example: kernel-2_6_21-1_3228_fc7

You can use the web CVS view to browse as well.  That's often easier
than using cvs from the command line (since cvs is going to hit the
network anyway, and it's interface leaves a lot to be desired :).

http://cvs.fedoraproject.org/viewcvs/rpms/kernel/F-7/ or even

You can use the "Show files using tag:" dropdown at the bottom of the
page to get the latter link easily.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
The cynics are right nine times out of ten.
    -- H. L. Menchen (1880-1956)

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