Linux is KING - Couldn't be hacked - Mac, Vista went down in flames

Colin Paul Adams colin at
Sun Mar 30 09:48:06 UTC 2008

>>>>> "Tim" == Tim  <ignored_mailbox at> writes:

    Tim> Those of us who remember personal computing before Microsoft
    Tim> was but tiny company would probably agree that it was a bad
    Tim> idea to make computers something the ignorant could play

I don't. I think it is an excellent idea, but it has to be done very well.

    Tim> You're not a true computer admin unless you wear a white lab
    Tim> coat, and have the CPU op-code cheat sheet in the coat
    Tim> pocket...  ;-)

Nay. If you don't KNOW the op-codes by heart, you're not qualified :-)
P.S. It's a long time since I knew them by heart - when I was young
and foolish.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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