Generating a new grub.conf ??

William Case billlinux at
Wed May 7 10:51:45 UTC 2008


All the following grub comments from responders seem to miss the point.

On Tue, 2008-05-06 at 13:24 -0400, William Case wrote:
> Hi;
> Just went through some grub problems and fixes.  I got grub running but
> I had to generate my own grub.conf.  I ended up re-installing F8 anyways
> for other reasons (faults of my own making).
> But I got wondering; is there a utility that generates the grub setup
> for stage2 á la anaconda in /boot/... and/or /boot/grub/grub.conf.
> -- 
> Regards Bill
My commercial boot loader got messed up.  (It doesn't matter how.  I am
just trying to avoid a long unnecessary explanation).  I was able to
replace that boot loader with grub by using my Fedora 8 rescue disk,
grub install and the grub shell command line.  My question was not based
on being unfamiliar with working with grub.

During that process, it occurred to me that there is already a perfectly
usable bit of code in Anaconda that installs grub for dual booting with
every new install of Fedora.  And, there are times when people want to
reinstall just the grub setup exactly as Anaconda would have done it

Is it not possible to make a Red Hat utility that just repeats the grub
part of the Anaconda installation process.  Perhaps it could have a gui
frontend in order to make some simple adjustments, but nonetheless a
user/administrator could re-install just the grub part of their system
without having to run the entire Fedora installation.

Regards Bill

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