moving /home , no joy

Michael Hennebry hennebry at
Thu May 8 03:21:44 UTC 2008

On Wed, 7 May 2008, Tim wrote:

> Michael Hennebry:
> > So, if I tell it to look in the still-existing swap partition,
> > that will cure that problem?
> It should do, and is easy enough to test (add the resume parameter to
> the kernel line, and put an entry into fstab for your swap partition).

Alas, for some reason it didn't do.
My FC8 has a boot partition.
I tried both resume=/dev/hda5 and resume=/../dev/hda5 .
FC8  complained that it couldn't find either one.
noresume got rid of the complaint,
but didn't solve the new mystery or cure
the supposed bad magic number on sda1.

Is there a way to ask FC8
What does it think the magic number should be?
What magic number is it getting?
>From where is it getting the magic number?

Tempted as I am to just start over with the new partition,
I don't have a clue what I should do different.
The fact that Knoppix likes the new partition
suggests that the problem is not the result
of a glitch that will go away if I try again.

Michael   hennebry at
"Those parts of the system that you can hit with a hammer (not advised)
are called Hardware;  those program instructions that you can only
curse at are called Software."

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