Liberation Fonts & Font-Mapping 101

Jorge Fábregas jorge.fabregas at
Thu May 8 22:53:29 UTC 2008

On Thursday 08 May 2008 08:33:28 am Tim wrote:
> I don't know what's up with Firefox, but it seems to play by its own
> rules regarding using a font when it's told to use a substitute for
> what's not available.

Thanks Tim for both files.  That was precisely what I needed to get me 
started.  I'm much clearer now :)

I was right now tweaking my Firefox font settings and I was doing this 
experiment with the Google search results page.  This page asks for:

"arial, sans-serif"

Exactly like that. And then...I had my Firefox setting (the way it comes out 
by default). For sans-serif I had "sans-serif"... and the actual font I got 

"Liberation Sans" 

That's what I get when I do: fc-match arial. And I know it's this font because 
I recognize it visually.  But HERE IS THE THING...I changed my Sans-serif 
setting in Firefox to some weird font like "Jomolhari".  I closed and opened 
Firefox again and I'm surprised that I actually get  "Jomolhari"!  How come?  

Why isn't Firefox presenting the substitute I have for arial (since it is 
requested as the first option)?   It seems that , no matter what, if there's 
an explicit request for a familiy (sans-serif in this case) it will then use 
the font you specified in the settings.


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