Firewall question

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Thu May 15 14:44:19 UTC 2008

On Thursday 15 May 2008 15:24, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> Incoming to the mail server. Outgoing from your laptop. We're talking
> about configuring your laptop at Wifi hotspots aren't we? Or have I
> totally lost the plot?
I was thinking about configuring the server to accept my connections from 
hotspots, but not unknown ones.

> (Nota Bene: "incoming" and "outgoing" has nothing to do with the
> direction the mail is flowing. The machine behind the firewall that
> sends the initial TCP request is the "outgoing" machine from the point
> of view of the firewall, whether it's sending mail or reading it).
I *think* I'm still with you :-)  But still, the first decision is whether to 
accept the connection, isn't it?

> Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to do.
Worry not - I confuse myself at times :-)  What I'm really trying to do is get 
my head around the issues regarding working away from home.  I  have imap 
mail set up, and was wondering whether to go further to allow access to my 
files while away from home, but I need some basic background understanding 
before I try to get specifics.  Otherwise I don't know what is relevant 
reading and what isn't :-)  I'm assuming that I'd have to do something like a 
vnc connection - but since I don't have the basics, I could be way off beam.


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