disk encryption performance hit

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at comcast.net
Fri May 16 18:24:28 UTC 2008

Jeff Bastian <jbastian at redhat.com> writes:

> What kind of performance hit should full disk encryption entail?
> I installed F9 yesterday under VMware Fusion 1.1.2 and enabled disk
> encryption.  It was working fine until cron fired up makewhatis.  At
> that point the system became so sluggish it was basically unusable.
> Mouse clicks would sometimes work, sometimes get ignored, and some key
> strokes would get ignored, others would get doubled (i.e., typing
> foo' might end up with 'ffo' on the screen).
> According to 'top', makewhatis was consuming the most CPU, but only
> about 4%, followed by kcryptd.  However, the CPU was spending 85%+ on
> system tasks.
> I noticed it was taking a long time to run makewhatis, so I ran 'time
> /etc/cron.weekly/makewhatis.cron' to see just how long and got:
>    real    34m44.606s
>    user    3m18.520s
>    sys     13m46.823s
> I switched back to my Fedora 8 virtual machine (same host) and
> repeated the test and got:
>    real    7m1.667s
>    user    2m45.410s
>    sys     3m4.970s
> That's quite a performance hit for disk encryption...  Is there
> something I can tune to speed this up?  Or maybe I should just encrypt
> /home instead of the whole disk.
> FWIW, I have VMI enabled in VMware Fusion, and I'm booting with kernel
> command line args
>    elevator=noop clocksource=vmi-timer
> on both systems.
> Jeff

I can't speak to your specific implementation, but in the past over
several versions of FC/F, when I have run performance comparisons with
hdparm, using dm-crypt/LUKS with 256 bit AES on a 7200 rpm HD, I have
seen about a 10-15% hit in throughput. 

Your figures above suggest that something else is going on, perhaps
related to the virtualization overhead and I don't know enough about
that to comment in an authoritative manner.


Marc Schwartz

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