BUG in Anaconda, it seems -- more, maybe

Beartooth Beartooth at swva.net
Wed May 21 15:35:17 UTC 2008

On Wed, 21 May 2008 13:42:57 +0000, I Beartooth wrote:

> I tried to install F9 onto an oldish ASUS, which was already
> triple-booting F8, Centos5, and Ubuntu7.10 (which upgraded itself, with
> a little help from me, to 8.whatever this week).
> 	It went happily on for hours, and was apparently installing
> Tomboy (God knows why; I don't use it, and thought I had pirutted it
> away long ago) -- when it hit an unhandled exception, "probably a bug."
> 	So I haven't filed the bug report, can't, and won't -- afaik,
> it's gone, lost in cyberspace. I can't even boot that machine to Fedora
> any more. [....]

	I am now on that machine, running Ubuntu 8.04 on another 
partition. I have done the following (knowing F8 to be, or have been, 
installed on /dev/sda3). I see a couple of new things; if any look to be 
of any use, let me know what to do and how, and I'll try to get what info 
I can.

root at SblzUb:~# cd /
root at SblzUb:/# ls
bin    etc         initrd.img      media  root  TEST  vmlinuz
boot   Grubberies  initrd.img.old  mnt    sbin  tmp   vmlinuz.old
cdrom  home        lib             opt    srv   usr
dev    initrd      lost+found      proc   sys   var
root at SblzUb:/# mount -t ext3 /dev/sda3 TEST
root at SblzUb:/# cd TEST
root at SblzUb:/TEST# ls
bin   Grubberies  lost+found  net                   root     sys   var
boot  halt        media       opt                   sbin     TEST
dev   home        misc        proc                  selinux  tmp
etc   lib         mnt         rhinstall-stage2.img  srv      usr
root at SblzUb:/TEST#  file rhinstall-stage2.img
rhinstall-stage2.img: Squashfs filesystem, little endian, version 3.1, 
106729893 bytes, 12005 inodes, blocksize: 131072 bytes, created: Wed May  
7 21:52:33 2008
root at SblzUb:/TEST# 

	To the best of my knowledge and belief, "halt" and "rhinstall-
stage2.img" are new -- and both show up a different color on my screen 
than most of the rest. I'm not sure whether anything else is new. 

	I'm thinking that rhinstall thing (note the date!), whatever it 
is, *might* just maybe still contain the bug report, or at least 
something of interest to those who understand such things. But all I know 
of .img files is that I have seen that suffix somewhere before.

Beartooth Staffwright, PhD, Neo-Redneck Linux Convert
Fedora 8 & 9; Alpine 1.10, Pan 0.132; Privoxy 3.0.3;
Dillo 0.8.6, Galeon 2.0.3, Epiphany 2.16, Opera 9.27, Firefox 2.0
Remember I know little (precious little!) of what I am talking about.

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