KDE 4.0 desktop... can I... back to KDE 3.5.9 ?

linuxguy linuxguy123 at gmail.com
Thu May 22 14:06:41 UTC 2008

I've been running F9 for a few days.  I'm a KDE user.  While I generally
like F9, I dislike how the KDE4.0 desktop works.  I hate the dark areas
around the file icons, the lack of some options when one right clicks an
icon, lack of drag and drop, etc.

Is there any way to change the way KDE4.0 works ?  Are there options to
set somewhere that will make it run more like KDE 3.5.x did ?

Is there a way to run KDE 3.5.x instead of KDE4.0 ?


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