Real movies in F8 nvidia monitor - oddball colours

Mike mike.cloaked at
Tue May 27 19:35:01 UTC 2008

I have a Dell 530S running F8 and using the kmod-nvidia driver.... the machine
runs beautifully in general - and most video is fine. 

I can go to the bbc news website and most of their inline movie news stories
are fine. But if I go to a link such as
and then click on the "Live" news link, and then select the "launch in 
standalone player" link, then realplay starts up and works, with sound, 
but the colours are weird. Faces are blueish green, and the colours are
all wrong.

All other video is absolutely fine - mplayer is fine, and YouTube video
is fine. It is just when realplay is playing video that this happens.

I have previously been running Real10 Gold and this evening installed
Real 11 Gold - and it is exactly the same.

Does anyone else see this?
Does anyone have a suggested workaround?... I am puzzled as everything 
else works nicely.

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