upgrade to fedora 9 bash fork: Resource temporarily unavailable

mark markkicks at gmail.com
Tue May 20 02:47:05 UTC 2008

On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Cameron Simpson <cs at zip.com.au> wrote:
> | > Does "ps axf" tell you anything useful/unusual? I find it more helpful
> | > than "aux" because it shows the parent/child tree.
> | no, there is nothing unusual!
> | ps axf | wc -l
> | 426
> Sorry, I meant without the "| wc -l"; actually to eyeball the whole listing
> as a tree looking for weirdness. Though if 425 is normal for you, probably
> this will not reveal anything.

It looks fine, nothing weird,

> | > Hmm, another thought. See what ulimit says about your process limit;
> | > maybe F9 have some default limits that F8 did not.
> | I increased open files in F8 to 32768, that is preserved here in F9
> |
> | How do I check my process limit? this is ulimit -a output
> [...]
> | max user processes              (-u) 1024
> Well, that seems to be more than 425. Anyone else got any ideas?
How do I increase this in /etc/security/limits.conf?
I changed max files like this
mark soft nofile 32768
mark hard nofile 32768

> Just for completeness, to eliminate the rror message being a lie,
> can you reproduce the fork failure using strace, eg:
>  strace -f -e trace=process 2>strace.out some-script-that-will-fail.sh
> and verify from the "strace.out" file that in fact it is fork() that
> fails.
i am not able to consistently reproduce this problem. sometimes this
error comes, and sometimes it doesnt.. and there is no error messages
/var/log/messages too!!!

how could the error message be a lie? what scenario could this be!!!

thanks a lot for all your help!

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