PATH Issues

Sieranski, Greg greg.sieranski at
Wed May 21 15:30:30 UTC 2008

Bill Crawford wrote:
> 2008/5/21 Sieranski, Greg <greg.sieranski at>:
>> [~] $ grep -F opt/hg /etc/profile.d/*
>> [~] $
>> Produces no results.
> I'm afraid I'm a little stumped at this point, then. Unless you're
> somehow running the .bash_profile twice, or you're doing tests in an
> environment where it's already been set (are you trying this in an
> xterm window? is the path already set on entry to .bash_profile?)
if i add set -x to my .bash_profile I get:

+ CVSROOT=:ext:gsierans at
+ CVS_RSH=ssh
+ DAISY_HOME=/home/gps/src/
+ EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim
+ GREP_COLOR='1;32'
+ JAVA_HOME=/home/gps/opt/jdk1.6.0_06
+ export CVSROOT
+ export CVS_RSH
+ export DAISY_HOME
+ export EDITOR
+ export GREP_COLOR
+ export JAVA_HOME
+ export PATH
+ alias 'grep=grep --color=always'
+ alias 'la=env LC_ALL=C ls --color=tty -I lost+found -Fla'
+ alias 'll=env LC_ALL=C ls --color=tty -I lost+found -Fl'
+ alias 'ls=env LC_ALL=C ls --color=tty -I lost+found -F'
+ alias vi=/usr/bin/vim
+ PS1='[\w] '
+ case `id -u` in
++ id -u
+ PS1='[\w] $ '
++ echo -ne '\033]0;gps at foo:~'

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