mounting filesytem for homedir

Guillaume guillaume.chardin at
Fri May 23 09:26:00 UTC 2008

Thanks for your replies!

>It is not typically a problem with directories
>like home since /home is owned by root, but is a problem when a user
>owns the entire partition filesystem.
this is my case.

below is the line used /etc/fstab :
/dev/sda1 /home/backup ext3 iocharset=utf8,user,noatime, 1 2

>You need to make sure that /home/user has the correct permission on it before
>you mount the disk, and then after you mount the disk you need to again make
>sure the correct permission is on /home/user.
>If you have user:user on /home/user before the mount, but not on /home/user
>after the mount (actually on "." on the filesystem on the disk part) then the
>most restrictive of the two permissions will be used. If either permission is
>wrong, there will be problems.

Is there some options to force uid&gid on the root of the mounted
filesystem like (in the affs options) ?

$ ll /home
   drwx--x--x  3 user   user    1024 may 21 21:32 user/
$ mount /dev/sda1 -v
   /dev/sda1 on /home/user type ext3 (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,noatime,user=user)
$ ll /home
   drwx--x--x  4 root   root    4096 may 21 21:18 user/
$ su -
# chown -c user:user /home/user/
# ll /home
   drwx--x--x  4 user   user    4096 may 21 21:18 user/

I don't know if the last command is correct & secure & what it
implies, but it works the change seems to be persistent !
Cant anyone confirm ?

Hope this can help you some days !


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