DES, kerberos, and kermit?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Wed May 28 16:16:30 UTC 2008

I tried to build kermit from source on fedora 9, and got
a bunch of link errors when I built with kerberos support
turned on. Here's a bit of correspondence from the kermit
guru, Frank da Cruz:

>> I tried the linux+krb5+openssl+zlib+shadow+pam, but I get the
>> impression that whatever is in the krb5 libs on fedora 9 isn't
>> what the source expects. Lots of link errors (though it compiles
>> OK), and I couldn't find any of the undefined symbols in any
>> libraries I poked around it (but didn't do an exhaustive search):
>Here's what my expert said:
>  Looks like Fedora 9 removed all DES support.   That will effectively
>  kill off kerberized telnet and rlogin.
>Sigh.  Maybe you could send them some feedback and see what they say.

Have I merely failed to install and/or link with some library? Or
has DES been utterly ripped out by fanatical lawyers? Or something
else? Anyone on the fedora list know what going on here?

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