trying to get eggdrop scripts working - fc9

Tom Brown tom at
Thu Nov 13 19:38:41 UTC 2008


I am trying to get some eggdrop tcl scripts working for my IRC server - 
if i just use the included scripts from eggdrop then it starts fine but 
as soon as i try to use scripts that use network connectivity etc then 
it fails.

Running these manually using tclsh i get the following, does anyone have 
any clues.


$ tclsh scripts/cellgen.tcl
invalid command name "bind"
    while executing
"bind time - "00 00 01 % %" cell::clearcache"
    (in namespace eval "::cell" script line 6)
    invoked from within
"namespace eval ::cell {
set scriptversion 2.51

package require http 2.1
bind time - "00 00 01 % %" cell::clearcache

set erno [catch {
    (file "scripts/cellgen.tcl" line 116)

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