Fedora installation USB stick (NOT liveCD)

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Mon Nov 24 20:16:18 UTC 2008

Benny Amorsen wrote:
> Is there a way to install Fedora from a USB stick without network
> access? I'm talking about the "real" Fedora installation, like from
> the regular Fedora DVD installer, not copying the LiveCD to the hard
> drive. Ideally the installer would look for ks.cfg on the USB stick
> and do a kickstart installation.
> Media size isn't a problem, an 8GB USB stick is cheaper than a CD
> drive.
> /Benny
I am feeling a bit lazy today, so you will have to look up the
details yourself. But you can create a bootable USB stick and add
the DVD image to it. You then boot the install USB drive, and give
the DVD image as the source.

It is like installing from an image on the hard drive, but in this
case, the USB drive has the DVD image.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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