F9: Firefox: Java based site fails to work.

Dan Thurman dant at cdkkt.com
Sat Oct 18 20:38:31 UTC 2008

Dan Thurman wrote:
> I visited a java-based website and wondering why this
> site seems to say that I need to enable Java in order
> to use it?
> I checked FF preferences and Java is enabled so that
> is not the problem.
> Firefox works fine on a windows platform so perhaps
> I actually do not have Java installed on F9?  If so, what
> steps do I need to take in order to make it work?
> Thanks!
> Dan
Yeah, encouraging words from "c" but I can handle it! (shaking off the 
dust) ;)

I DID search but could not figure it out.

Now, back to what some have asked:

1) Try this site: http://www.relaycall.com (it's for deaf people
who are trying to reach non-deaf people over the phone) and
it complains (for me) :
"Error - You must enable Java to use AT&T Relay Services."

2) about:plugins (Looooong list!)

Note: I do have "all" of GCJ/Iced-Tea modules (or so it seems)
    File name: gcjwebplugin.so
    The GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) executes Java applets.
    See below for all the "Yes" for specifics.

DivX Browser Plug-In

    File name: gecko-mediaplayer-dvx.so
    Gecko Media Player 0.8.0

    Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media 
Player streams using MPlayer

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/divx     DivX Media Format     divx     Yes
video/vnd.divx     DivX Media Format     divx     Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 7.4.5

    File name: gecko-mediaplayer-qt.so
    Gecko Media Player 0.8.0

    Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media 
Player streams using MPlayer

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/quicktime     Quicktime     mov     Yes
video/x-quicktime     Quicktime     mov     Yes
image/x-quicktime     Quicktime     mov     Yes
video/quicktime     Quicktime     mp4     Yes
video/quicktime     Quicktime - Session Description Protocol     sdp     Yes
application/x-quicktimeplayer     Quicktime     mov     Yes
RealPlayer 9

    File name: gecko-mediaplayer-rm.so
    Gecko Media Player 0.8.0

    Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media 
Player streams using MPlayer

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio     RealAudio     ram,rm     Yes
application/vnd.rn-realmedia     RealMedia     rm     Yes
application/vnd.rn-realaudio     RealAudio     ra,ram     Yes
video/vnd.rn-realvideo     RealVideo     rv     Yes
audio/x-realaudio     RealAudio     ra     Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     RealAudio     rpm     Yes
application/smil     SMIL     smil     Yes
Windows Media Player Plug-in

    File name: gecko-mediaplayer-wmp.so
    Gecko Media Player 0.8.0

    Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media 
Player streams using MPlayer

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/asx     Media Files     *     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin     Media Files     *     Yes
video/x-msvideo     AVI     avi,*     Yes
video/msvideo     AVI     avi,*     Yes
application/x-mplayer2     Media Files     *     Yes
application/x-ms-wmv     Microsoft WMV video     wmv,*     Yes
video/x-ms-asf     Media Files     asf,asx,*     Yes
video/x-ms-wm     Media Files     wm,*     Yes
video/x-ms-wmv     Microsoft WMV video     wmv,*     Yes
audio/x-ms-wmv     Windows Media     wmv,*     Yes
video/x-ms-wmp     Windows Media     wmp,*     Yes
application/x-ms-wmp     Windows Media     wmp,*     Yes
video/x-ms-wvx     Windows Media     wvx,*     Yes
audio/x-ms-wax     Windows Media     wax,*     Yes
audio/x-ms-wma     Windows Media     wma,*     Yes
application/x-drm-v2     Windows Media     asx,*     Yes
audio/wav     Microsoft wave file     wav,*     Yes
audio/x-wav     Microsoft wave file     wav,*     Yes
gecko-mediaplayer 0.8.0

    File name: gecko-mediaplayer.so
    Gecko Media Player 0.8.0

    Video Player Plug-in for QuickTime, RealPlayer and Windows Media 
Player streams using MPlayer

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/mpeg     MPEG     mpg,mpeg     Yes
audio/mpeg     MPEG     mpg,mpeg     Yes
video/x-mpeg     MPEG     mpg,mpeg     Yes
video/x-mpeg2     MPEG2     mpv2,mp2ve     Yes
audio/mpeg     MPEG     mpg,mpeg     Yes
audio/x-mpeg     MPEG     mpg,mpeg     Yes
audio/mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/x-mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/mp4     MPEG 4 audio     mp4     Yes
audio/x-mp4     MPEG 4 audio     mp4     Yes
video/mp4     MPEG 4 Video     mp4     Yes
video/x-m4v     MPEG 4 Video     m4v     Yes
video/3gpp     MPEG 4 Video     mp4,3gp     Yes
audio/mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mpegurl     MPEG url     m3u     Yes
audio/mp3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
application/x-ogg     Ogg Vorbis Media     ogg     Yes
audio/ogg     Ogg Vorbis Audio     ogg     Yes
audio/x-ogg     Ogg Vorbis Audio     ogg     Yes
application/ogg     Ogg Vorbis / Ogg Theora     ogg     Yes
audio/flac     FLAC Audio     flac     Yes
audio/x-flac     FLAC Audio     flac     Yes
video/fli     FLI animation     fli,flc     Yes
video/x-fli     FLI animation     fli,flc     Yes
video/x-flv     Flash Video     flv     Yes
video/vnd.vivo     VivoActive     viv,vivo     Yes
audio/x-matroska     Matroska Audio     mka     Yes
video/x-matroska     Matroska Video     mkv     Yes
application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3     Nullsoft Streaming Video     nsv     Yes
audio/x-mod     Soundtracker     mod     Yes
audio/basic     Basic Audio File     au,snd     Yes
audio/x-basic     Basic Audio File     au,snd     Yes
audio/midi     MIDI Audio     mid,midi,kar     Yes
audio/x-scpls     Shoutcast Playlist     pls     Yes
gxine starter plugin

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.gxineplugin.so
    will start external gxine media player for embedded media streams

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/mpeg     MPEG animation     mpeg, mpg, mpe     Yes
video/x-mpeg     MPEG animation     mpeg, mpg, mpe     Yes
audio/mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/x-mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/mpeg     MPEG audio     mpa,abs,mpega     Yes
audio/x-mpeg     MPEG audio     mpa,abs,mpega     Yes
video/quicktime     Quicktime animation     mov,qt     Yes
video/x-quicktime     Quicktime animation     mov,qt     Yes
video/msvideo     AVI animation     avi     Yes
video/x-msvideo     AVI animation     avi     Yes
application/x-mplayer2     mplayer2     asf,asx,asp     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin     mms animation     asf,asx,asp     Yes
audio/x-ogg     OGG Media     ogg,ogm     Yes
audio/x-scpls     MPEG audio     pls     Yes
VLC Multimedia Plugin

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.libvlcplugin.so
    Version 0.8.6i Janus, copyright 1996-2007 The VideoLAN Team

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
audio/mpeg     MPEG audio     mp2,mp3,mpga,mpega     Yes
audio/x-mpeg     MPEG audio     mp2,mp3,mpga,mpega     Yes
video/mpeg     MPEG video     mpg,mpeg,mpe     Yes
video/x-mpeg     MPEG video     mpg,mpeg,mpe     Yes
video/mpeg-system     MPEG video     mpg,mpeg,mpe,vob     Yes
video/x-mpeg-system     MPEG video     mpg,mpeg,mpe,vob     Yes
video/mpeg4     MPEG-4 video     mp4,mpg4     Yes
audio/mpeg4     MPEG-4 audio     mp4,mpg4     Yes
application/mpeg4-iod     MPEG-4 video     mp4,mpg4     Yes
application/mpeg4-muxcodetable     MPEG-4 video     mp4,mpg4     Yes
video/x-msvideo     AVI video     avi     Yes
video/quicktime     QuickTime video     mov,qt     Yes
application/x-ogg     Ogg stream     ogg     Yes
application/ogg     Ogg stream     ogg     Yes
application/x-vlc-plugin     VLC plugin     vlc     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin     Windows Media Video     asf,asx     Yes
video/x-ms-asf     Windows Media Video     asf,asx     Yes
application/x-mplayer2     Windows Media         Yes
video/x-ms-wmv     Windows Media     wmv     Yes
application/x-google-vlc-plugin     Google VLC plugin         Yes
audio/wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/x-wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/3gpp     3GPP audio     3gp,3gpp     Yes
video/3gpp     3GPP video     3gp,3gpp     Yes
audio/3gpp2     3GPP2 audio     3g2,3gpp2     Yes
video/3gpp2     3GPP2 video     3g2,3gpp2     Yes
MozPlugger 1.10.1 handles QuickTime and Windows Media Player Plugin

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.mozplugger.so
    MozPlugger version 1.10.1, written by Fredrik Hübinette, Louis 
Bavoil and Peter Leese.
    For documentation on how to configure mozplugger, check the man 
page. (type man mozplugger)
    Configuration file:    Not found!
    Helper binary:    Not found!
    Controller binary:    Not found!

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/mpeg     MPEG animation     mpeg,mpg,mpe     Yes
video/x-mpeg     MPEG animation     mpeg,mpg,mpe     Yes
video/x-mpeg2     MPEG2 animation     mpv2,mp2ve     Yes
video/mp4     MPEG4 animation     mp4     Yes
video/msvideo     AVI animation     avi     Yes
video/x-msvideo     AVI animation     avi     Yes
video/fli     FLI animation     fli,flc     Yes
video/x-fli     FLI animation     fli,flc     Yes
application/x-mplayer2     Windows Media video     *     Yes
video/x-ms-asf     Windows Media video     asf,asx     Yes
video/x-ms-wm     Windows Media video     wm     Yes
video/x-ms-wmv     Windows Media video     wmv     Yes
video/x-ms-wvx     Windows Media video     wvx     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin     Window Media video     *     Yes
application/asx     Windows Media video     asx     Yes
application/x-quicktimeplayer     Quicktime animation     mov     Yes
image/x-macpaint     Quicktime animation     pntg,mov     Yes
video/quicktime     Quicktime animation     mov,qt     Yes
video/x-quicktime     Quicktime animation     mov,qt     Yes
video/x-theora     OGG stream with video     ogg     Yes
video/theora     OGG stream with video     ogg     Yes
video/ogg     OGG stream with video     ogg     Yes
video/x-ogg     OGG stream with video     ogm,ogv     Yes
audio/mid     MIDI audio file     midi,mid     Yes
audio/x-mid     MIDI audio file     midi,mid     Yes
audio/midi     MIDI audio file     midi,mid     Yes
audio/x-midi     MIDI audio file     midi,mid     Yes
audio/mod     Soundracker audio Module     mod     Yes
audio/x-mod     Soundracker audio Module     mod     Yes
audio/mp3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mp3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/x-mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/mpeg     MPEG audio     mpa,abs,mpega     Yes
audio/x-mpeg     MPEG audio     mpa,abs,mpega     Yes
audio/x-ogg     OGG audio     ogg     Yes
application/x-ogg     OGG audio     ogg     Yes
application/ogg     OGG audio     ogg     Yes
audio/x-flac     FLAC audio     flac     Yes
application/x-flac     FLAC audio     flac     Yes
audio/basic     Basic audio file     au,snd     Yes
audio/x-basic     Basic audio file     au,snd     Yes
audio/wav     Microsoft wave file     wav     Yes
audio/x-wav     Microsoft wave file     wav     Yes
audio/x-pn-wav     Microsoft wave file     wav     Yes
audio/x-pn-windows-acm     Microsoft wave file     wav     Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     RealPlayer Plugin Metafile     rpm     Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio     Realaudio-plugin resource locator     ra,rm,ram 
audio/x-realaudio     RealAudio file     ra,rm,ram     Yes
application/vnd.rn-realmedia     RealMedia file     rm     Yes
application/smil     RealPlayer     smi     Yes
audio/vnd.rn-realaudio     RealAudio file     ra,ram     Yes
audio/vnd.rn-realvideo     RealVideo file     rv     Yes
audio/x-ms-wax     Windows Media Audio     wax     Yes
audio/x-ms-wma     Windows Media Audio     wma     Yes
image/sun-raster     SUN raster image     rs     Yes
image/x-sun-raster     SUN raster image     rs     Yes
image/x-rgb     RGB Image     rgb     Yes
image/x-portable-pixmap     PPM Image     ppm     Yes
image/x-portable-graymap     PGM Image     pgm     Yes
image/x-portable-bitmap     PBM Image     pbm     Yes
image/x-portable-anymap     PBM Image     pnm     Yes
image/tiff     TIFF image     tiff,tif     Yes
image/x-tiff     TIFF image     tiff,tif     Yes
image/x-xcf     Gimp Image     xcf     Yes
image/xcf     Gimp Image     xcf     Yes
application/x-gimp     Gimp Image     xcf     Yes
application/gimp     Gimp Image     xcf     Yes
application/photoshop     PhotoShop Image     psd     Yes
application/x-photoshop     PhotoShop Image     psd     Yes
application/pdf     PDF file     pdf     Yes
application/x-pdf     PDF file     pdf     Yes
text/pdf     PDF file     pdf     Yes
text/x-pdf     PDF file     pdf     Yes
application/x-dvi     DVI file     dvi     Yes
application/x-postscript     PostScript file     ps     Yes
application/postscript     PostScript file     ps     Yes
application/x-rtf     Rich Text Format     rtf     Yes
application/rtf     Rich Text Format     rtf     Yes
text/rtf     Rich Text Format     rtf     Yes
application/x-msword     Microsoft Word Document     doc,dot     Yes
application/msword     Microsoft Word Document     doc,dot     Yes
application/vnd.ms-excel     Microsoft Excel Document     xls,xlb     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer     OpenOffice Writer 6.0 documents     
sxw     Yes
application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.writer     OpenOffice Writer 7.0 documents 
    sxw     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template     OpenOffice Writer 6.0 
templates     stw     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.global     OpenOffice Writer 6.0 global 
documents     sxg     Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.writer     StarWriter 5.x documents     sdw 
application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global     StarWriter 5.x global 
documents     sgl     Yes
application/x-starwriter     StarWriter 4.x documents     sdw     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc     OpenOffice Calc 6.0 spreadsheets     
sxc     Yes
application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.calc     OpenOffice Calc 7.0 spreadsheets 
    sxc     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template     OpenOffice Calc 6.0 templates 
    stc     Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.calc     StarCalc 5.x spreadsheets     sdc 
application/x-starcalc     StarCalc 4.x spreadsheets     sdc     Yes
application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3     Lotus 1-2-3 Document     123, wk1     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw     OpenOffice Draw 6.0 documents     sxd 
application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.draw     StarOffice Draw 7.0 documents     
sxc     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template     OpenOffice Draw 6.0 templates 
    std     Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.draw     StarDraw 5.x documents     sda     Yes
application/x-stardraw     StarDraw 4.x documents     sda     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress     OpenOffice Impress 6.0 presentations 
    sxi     Yes
application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.impress     StarOffice 7.0 Impress 
presentations     sxi     Yes
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template     OpenOffice Impress 6.0 
templates     sti     Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.impress     StarImpress 5.x presentations 
    sdd     Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.impress-packed     StarImpress Packed 5.x 
files     sdp     Yes
application/x-starimpress     StarImpress 4.x presentations     sdd     Yes
application/vnd.ms-powerpoint     PowerPoint Slideshow     ppt     Yes
application/mspowerpoint     PowerPoint Slideshow     ppt,ppz,pps,pot 
application/vnd.sun.xml.math     OpenOffice Math 6.0 documents     sxm 
application/so7_vnd.sun.xml.math     StarOffice 7.0 Math documents     
sxm     Yes
application/vnd.stardivision.math     StarMath 5.x documents     smf     Yes
application/x-starmath     StarMath 4.x documents     smf     Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text     OASIS OpenDocument Text     
odt,ODT     Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet     OASIS OpenDocument 
SpreadSheet     ods,ODS     Yes
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation     OASIS OpenDocument 
Presentation     odp,ODP     Yes
Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.nphelix.so
    Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible version 
built with gcc 4.3.0 on Feb 18 2008

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     RealPlayer Plugin Metafile     rpm     Yes

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.nsdejavu.so
    This is the DjVuLibre-3.5.20 version of the DjVu plugin.
    See DjVuLibre.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
image/x-djvu     DjVu File     djvu,djv     Yes
image/x.djvu     DjVu File         Yes
image/djvu     DjVu File         Yes
image/x-dejavu     DjVu File         Yes
image/x-iw44     DjVu File         Yes
image/vnd.djvu     DjVu File         Yes
Shockwave Flash

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.libflashplayer.so
    Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/x-shockwave-flash     Shockwave Flash     swf     Yes
application/futuresplash     FutureSplash Player     spl     Yes
Gnome Chemistry Utils

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.libmozgcu.so
    Gnome Chemistry Utils 0.8.7. Chemical structures display.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
chemical/x-xyz     XYZ Coordinate Format     xyz     Yes
chemical/x-mdl-molfile     MDL Molfile     mol     Yes
chemical/x-pdb     Protein DataBank     pdb,ent     Yes
application/x-gcrystal     Crystalline structure model     gcrystal     Yes
Adobe Reader 8.0

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.nppdf.so
    The Adobe Reader plugin is used to enable viewing of PDF and FDF 
files from within the browser.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/pdf     Portable Document Format     pdf     Yes
application/vnd.fdf     Acrobat Forms Data Format     fdf     Yes
application/vnd.adobe.xfdf     XML Version of Acrobat Forms Data Format 
    xfdf     Yes
application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml     Acrobat XML Data Package     xdp     Yes
application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml     Adobe FormFlow99 Data File     xfd     Yes
OpenSC Signer plugin

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.opensc-signer.so
    This plugins handles web signatures using OpenSC smart card library.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
text/x-text-to-sign     Text to be signed     sgn     Yes

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.openvrml.so
    VRML browser

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
model/x3d+vrml     X3D world     x3dv     Yes
model/vrml     VRML world     wrl     Yes
x-world/x-vrml     VRML world     wrl     Yes
Xine Plugin

    File name: nswrapper_32_32.xineplugin.so
    Xine Plugin version 1.0.1, (c) The Xine Project.
    Windows Media Player / RealPlayer / QuickTime compatible.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/annodex     Annodex media     anx     Yes
application/x-annodex     Annodex media     anx     Yes
audio/annodex     Annodex audio     axa     Yes
audio/x-annodex     Annodex audio     axa     Yes
video/annodex     Annodex video     axv     Yes
video/x-annodex     Annodex video     axv     Yes
audio/x-8svx     IFF-8SVX Audio     8svx     Yes
audio/8svx     IFF-8SVX Audio     8svx     Yes
audio/x-16sv     IFF-16SV Audio     16sv     Yes
audio/168sv     IFF-16SV Audio     16sv     Yes
image/x-ilbm     IFF-ILBM Picture     ilbm     Yes
image/ilbm     IFF-ILBM Picture     ilbm     Yes
video/x-anim     IFF-ANIM Video     anim     Yes
video/anim     IFF-ANIM Video     anim     Yes
video/x-ms-asf     ASF stream     asf     Yes
video/x-ms-wmv     Windows Media Video     wmv     Yes
audio/x-ms-wma     Windows Media Audio     wma     Yes
application/vnd.ms-asf     ASF stream     asf     Yes
application/x-mplayer2     mplayer2     asf,asx,asp     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin     mms animation     asf,asx,asp     Yes
video/x-ms-wvx     wmv metafile     wvx     Yes
video/x-ms-wax     wma metafile     wva     Yes
video/x-flv     Flash video     flv     Yes
video/flv     Flash video     flv     Yes
application/x-flash-video     Flash video     flv     Yes
video/quicktime     Quicktime animation     mov,qt     Yes
video/x-quicktime     Quicktime animation     mov,qt     Yes
audio/x-m4a     MPEG-4 audio     m4a,m4b     Yes
application/x-quicktimeplayer     Quicktime list     qtl     Yes
video/mp4     MPEG-4 video     mp4,mpg4     Yes
audio/mp4     MPEG-4 audio     mp4,mpg4     Yes
audio/x-aiff     AIFF audio     aif, aiff     Yes
audio/aiff     AIFF audio     aif, aiff     Yes
audio/x-pn-aiff     AIFF audio     aif, aiff     Yes
audio/x-flac     FLAC Audio     flac     Yes
audio/flac     FLAC Audio     flac     Yes
audio/x-realaudio     RealAudio File     ra     Yes
audio/basic     ULAW     snd,au     Yes
audio/x-basic     ULAW     snd,au     Yes
audio/x-pn-au     ULAW     snd,au     Yes
video/mkv     matroska     mkv     Yes
video/x-matroska     matroska     mkv     Yes
video/x-flic     Autodesk FLIC files     fli,flc     Yes
video/msvideo     AVI video     avi     Yes
video/x-msvideo     AVI video     avi     Yes
image/png     PNG image     png     Yes
image/x-png     PNG image     png     Yes
video/mng     MNG animation     mng     Yes
video/x-mng     MNG animation     mng     Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio     Real Media file     ra, rm, ram     Yes
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     Real Media plugin file     rpm     Yes
audio/x-real-audio     Real Media file     ra, rm, ram     Yes
application/vnd.rn-realmedia     Real Media file     ra, rm, ram     Yes
application/ogg     Ogg Stream     ogx     Yes
application/x-ogg     Ogg Stream     ogx     Yes
application/x-ogm     Ogg Stream     ogx     Yes
application/x-ogm-audio     Ogg Audio     oga     Yes
application/x-ogm-video     Ogg Video     ogv     Yes
audio/ogg     Ogg Audio     oga     Yes
audio/x-ogg     Ogg Audio     oga     Yes
video/ogg     Ogg Video     ogv     Yes
video/x-ogg     Ogg Video     ogv     Yes
video/mpeg     MPEG animation     mpeg, mpg, mpe     Yes
video/x-mpeg     MPEG animation     mpeg, mpg, mpe     Yes
audio/x-wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/x-pn-wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/x-pn-windows-acm     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/musepack     Musepack audio     mpc, mp+, mpp     Yes
audio/x-musepack     Musepack audio     mpc, mp+, mpp     Yes
audio/mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/x-mpeg2     MPEG audio     mp2     Yes
audio/mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mpeg3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/mpeg     MPEG audio     mpa,abs,mpega     Yes
audio/x-mpeg     MPEG audio     mpa,abs,mpega     Yes
audio/x-mpegurl     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/mpegurl     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/mp3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-mp3     MPEG audio     mp3     Yes
audio/x-flac     FLAC Audio     flac     Yes
audio/flac     FLAC Audio     flac     Yes
audio/x-wavpack     WavPack audioaudio/x-scpls     pls: Winamp playlist: 
wv,wvp     Yes
application/smil     SMIL playlist     smi, smil     Yes
application/xspf+xml     XSPF playlist     xspf     Yes
application/x-xine-plugin     Xine plugin         Yes
Totem Web Browser Plugin 2.23.2

    File name: libtotem-basic-plugin.so
    The Totem 2.23.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/x-ogg     -     ogg     Yes
application/ogg     Ogg multimedia file     ogg     Yes
audio/ogg     Ogg Audio     oga     Yes
audio/x-ogg     Ogg Audio     ogg     Yes
video/ogg     Ogg Video     ogv     Yes
video/x-ogg     Ogg Video     ogg     Yes
application/annodex     -     anx     Yes
audio/annodex     -     axa     Yes
video/annodex     -     axv     Yes
video/mpeg     MPEG video     mpg, mpeg, mpe     Yes
audio/wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/x-wav     WAV audio     wav     Yes
audio/mpeg     MP3 audio     mp3     Yes
application/x-nsv-vp3-mp3     NullSoft video     nsv     Yes
video/flv     Flash video     flv     Yes
Helix DNA Plugin: RealPlayer G2 Plug-In Compatible (compatible; Totem)

    File name: libtotem-complex-plugin.so
    The Totem 2.23.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin     RealAudio plugin file     rpm     Yes
VLC Multimedia Plugin (compatible Totem 2.23.2)

    File name: libtotem-cone-plugin.so
    The Totem 2.23.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/x-vlc-plugin     unknown         Yes
application/vlc     unknown         Yes
video/x-google-vlc-plugin     unknown         Yes
Windows Media Player Plug-in 10 (compatible; Totem)

    File name: libtotem-gmp-plugin.so
    The Totem 2.23.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/x-mplayer2     AVI video     avi, wma, wmv     Yes
video/x-ms-asf-plugin     ASF video     asf, wmv     Yes
video/x-msvideo     AVI video     asf, wmv     Yes
video/x-ms-asf     ASF video     asf     Yes
video/x-ms-wmv     Windows Media video     wmv     Yes
video/x-wmv     Windows Media video     wmv     Yes
video/x-ms-wvx     Microsoft ASX playlist     wmv     Yes
video/x-ms-wm     ASF video     wmv     Yes
application/x-ms-wms     Windows Media video     wms     Yes
application/asx     Microsoft ASX playlist     asx     Yes
audio/x-ms-wma     Windows Media audio     wma     Yes
DivX® Web Player

    File name: libtotem-mully-plugin.so
    DivX Web Player version

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/divx     AVI video     divx     Yes
QuickTime Plug-in 7.2.0

    File name: libtotem-narrowspace-plugin.so
    The Totem 2.23.2 plugin handles video and audio streams.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
video/quicktime     QuickTime video     mov     Yes
video/mp4     MPEG-4 video     mp4     Yes
image/x-macpaint     MacPaint Bitmap image     pntg     Yes
image/x-quicktime     QuickTime image     pict, pict1, pict2     Yes
video/x-m4v     MPEG-4 video     m4v     Yes
GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) 1.2

    File name: gcjwebplugin.so
    The GCJ Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea) executes Java applets.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/x-java-vm     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.1.3     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.2.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.3     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.3.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.4.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.5     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;version=1.6     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.6.0_00     IcedTea     class,jar 
application/x-java-bean     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.1.3     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.2.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.3     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.3.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4.1     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.4.2     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.5     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;version=1.6     IcedTea     class,jar     Yes
application/x-java-bean;jpi-version=1.6.0_00     IcedTea     class,jar 
NPAPI Plugins Wrapper 1.1.0

    File name: npwrapper.so
    nspluginwrapper is a cross-platform NPAPI plugin viewer, in 
particular for linux/i386 plugins.
    This is beta software available under the terms of the GNU General 
Public License.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
unknown/mime-type     Do not open     none     Yes
iTunes Application Detector

    File name: librhythmbox-itms-detection-plugin.so
    This plug-in detects the presence of iTunes when opening iTunes 
Store URLs in a web page with Firefox.

MIME Type     Description     Suffixes     Enabled
application/itunes-plugin             Yes


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