What are your unsatisfied NetworkManager use cases?

Arthur Pemberton pemboa at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 04:12:58 UTC 2008

On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 1:23 PM, Arthur Pemberton <pemboa at gmail.com> wrote:
> Many people seem to have different issues with NetworkManager. I would
> like to attempt to assist with the progress of NetworkManager by
> collecting use cases which it does not cover at all or properly.
> So please reply with a use case that you have that is not covered, I
> will attempt to collect clarify and log them on the wiki (just
> reactivated my account).
> For my sake please do one use case per email.

Here is the page. I don't think I need to say this but feel free to go
ahead and edit it to your delight:

You will note that the language isn't exactly formal use case
definition; that may or may not be a problem.

If you do not see your use case covered here properly or at all,
please either include it, or let me know via this thread, and I will
include it on your behalf.

Also, continue adding use cases. I will attempt to synchronize the
wiki in a timely fashion.

Fedora 9 : sulphur is good for the skin
( www.pembo13.com )

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