Fetchmail + Sendmail for local users ??

jdow jdow at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 6 12:27:39 UTC 2008

From: "Arun Shrimali" <arun.reso at gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, 2008, September 06 03:15

> Dear All,
> I have a remote mail server and domain where all our mails are received.
> Locally I have a squid proxy server (non  transparent)  (on FC6) behind a
> router through which my local users access the Internet as well as mails
> (browser based client).
> Problem :
> Few of my users receives huge amount of mails, thus slow net connectivity
> irritates them to check mails. I don't want to call all the mails on my
> local server as few of the staff members wants to access mails from
> different geographical locations.
> Solution ??:
> I am planning to setup fetchmail + sendmail so that I can fetch mails from
> remote server for few users and they can access mail through outlook 
> express
> or  squirrel mail.
> Is the combination right ?? where can I get the how to about this
> combination ?? I have googled but ...

I keep a locked down sendmail running locally for log messages. It does
nothing else.

I use fetchmail on about 6 different accounts for two different people.
Fetchmail feeds procmail. It could feed almost anything else, too.
procmail performs the delivery. Along the way it cycles the email
through SpamAssassin with the clamav plugin for SA. The use of procmail
ensures I get the precise markup that SpamAssassin applies and not some
bowlderized version. It also allows me to play games and upon receipt
of email from clients play a short sound file. (I admit that I do strange

That all gets the mail into /var/spool/mail/<account name>. I then have
DoveCot installed (with POP3S and IMAPS) enabled. OutlookExpress speaks
to POP3S for grabbing mail and IMAPS for stuffing spam into a special
folder that is periodically fed to the "salearn" program for Bayes

I use per user fetchmail. The .fetchmailrc typically looks like:
defaults mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d jdow"
#set postmaster "jdow"
set syslog
set postmaster ""
set no bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
#set daemon 60
#set logfile fetchmail_el.log
poll smtp.earthlink.net with proto POP3
   user 'jdow' there with password 'ZUBFUSHIES IF YOU THINK THIS IS REAL'
   is 'jdow at ON MY MACHINE' here options pass8bits
   smtpaddress '      '


The "poll" like is repeated as needed.

The guts of the .procmailrc file looks like this including a few nice
goodie ideas.
# Necessary generic definitions

## This is used when testing the file so that nothing is lost.
## rawmbox is no longer needed at this time.
#:0c: clone.lock
##* ^List-Id: .*(spamassassin\.apache\.org)

# Then we install some deaths and diversions

* ^From: AntiSpam UOL <.*@uol\.com\.br>

# Rewrite Reply-To: for SpamAssassin user list

:0 fw
* ^TO_:.*(dev at spamassassin\.apache\.org|dev\.spamassassin\.apache\.org)
| formail -A "$PROCMAILMATCH SpamAssassin Dev list" -i "Reply-to: 
dev at spamassassin.apache.org"

:0 fw
* ^TO_:.*(users at spamassassin\.apache\.org|users\.spamassassin\.apache\.org)
| formail -A "$PROCMAILMATCH SpamAssassin Users list" -i "Reply-to: 
users at spamassassin.apache.org"

:0 fw
* ^List-Id: 
.*(users at spamassassin\.apache\.org|users\.spamassassin\.apache\.org)
| formail -A "$PROCMAILMATCH SpamAssassin users list" -i "Reply-to: 
users at spamassassin.apache.org"

# run spamassassin on things not from the spamassassin list
* < 500000
* !^List-Id: .*(spamassassin\.apache.\org)
   :0 fw: spamassassin.lock
   | /usr/bin/spamc -t 150 -u jdow

# if too big at least test the header with a safe dummy body.
* > 499999
   :0 hc

   :0 hfw: spamassassin.lock
   | cat - mail_dummy | /usr/bin/spamc -t 150 -u jdow

For reference I use SpamAssassin with per user rules. Both my partner and I
write rules as needed.

I hope this helps.

{^_^}    Joanne

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