Installation of multiple Linux Instances

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Fri Sep 19 22:05:34 UTC 2008

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 17:27:28 -0400
Chris Snook <csnook at> wrote:

> 5)	Create a chainload entry in the grub.conf for the primary distro, pointing to 
> the /boot partition for the new distro, like this:
> title chainload RHEL5 (sda3)
> 	rootnoverify (hd0,2)
> 	chainloader +1

When I recently reinstalled everything due to disk failure, and went one
step farther: I made a small dedicated grub partition that doesn't boot
any OS, but merely has chainloader entries for all my linux instances,
each installed with grub in the boot partition, not the MBR (the
dedicated grub uses the MBR).

In case you are wondering, I didn't bother thinking hard :-) I just made the
grub partition by installing fedora once booting from MBR, with a separate
/boot partition, then used the grub on that /boot as a stand alone
grub, tossing the linux images and wot-not I didn't need anymore.

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