Script Test [OT]

Patrick O'Callaghan pocallaghan at
Sat Sep 6 18:10:04 UTC 2008

On Sat, 2008-09-06 at 11:54 -0600, kwhiskerz wrote:
> The problem is that both computers return hostname = localhost, so that won't 
> work. IP address is not always possible, as the network might not be up, 
> especially on the laptop.
> How would I check the HWaddress (MAC)?
> As ifconfig returns a whole list of things:
> 1.How can I isolate just 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx in order to make a comparision?

/sbin/ifconfig eth0|awk 'NR==1 {print $5}'

(adjust for your primary interface name). Note that this isn't
identifying the machine, it's identifying a network interface, but that
may be good enough for your purpose.

> 2.How do I make this comparison in bash? I guess this value must be a string?

if [ $(/sbin/ifconfig eth0|awk 'NR==1 {print $5}') = 00:16:76:C2:87:D2 ]
	echo yes
	echo no


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