Fedora 10 kernel source.

Phil Meyer pmeyer at themeyerfarm.com
Mon Sep 22 22:58:38 UTC 2008

Erik P. Olsen wrote:
> I need to view the kernel source of fedora 10. Is there a way to do that?

Same as always: (works for all recent Fedora/RH/Centos/Oracle based distros)

# = root or sudo
$ = you

1. # yum install yumutils rpmdevtools (you may also need sparse, and others)
1.a $ /usr/bin/rpmdev-setuptree
2. # yumdownloader --source kernel
3. $ rpm -ihv kernel-<whatever was just downloaded>.rpm
4. $ cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
5. $ rpmbuild -bp kernel.spec (additional dependencies, if any, will be 
listed here)
6. $ cd ../BUILD/kernel-2.6.??

There you are!

Good Luck!

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