How do I get sound in GNOME without pulseaudio

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Tue Aug 18 22:18:09 UTC 2009

Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-08-18 at 23:59 +0930, Tim wrote:
>> Do you mean that alsamixer says something about how it's running, or
>> that playing with the mixer levels in alsamixer leads you to that
>> conclusion?
>> Alsamixer just plays with the mixer controls, turning up/down PCM, CD,
>> or other audio signals, still works even when pulseaudio is on your
>> system.  You're just adjusting the signals part way through the chain.
> Because if you run alsamixer when pulseaudio is running you get only one
> column whose volume you can manipulate (that is the Master) and the
> display says puylseaudio is running.
> If you remove alsa-plugins-pulseaudio and run alsmixewr you get a very
> different display where the levels of each sound source can be
> manipulated (CD. PCM, etc). It is clear that pulseaudio is not
> effectively running.
Funny, when I run it, I get the Alsa mixer, even though I have Pulse
Audio running. But I guess that is because the Alsa mixer was the
one that I was using the last time I closed the mixer, and it
remembers the last state it was in. In your case, it can not display
the PA mixer if PA isn't running, so you get the Alsa one. But you
can change the mixer you get by opening the drop-down menu to the
right of where it says Device:. I actually have a choice of two
different Alsa mixers - one for the sounds card, and one for the TV


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