Is RPMfusion on strike?

gilpel at gilpel at
Sat Aug 22 03:18:58 UTC 2009

> On 08/21/2009 08:51 PM, gilpel at wrote:

>> Oops! So you do need additional RPMs and RPMfusion doesn't provide
>> Which kinda seem to close the case.

> No, you don't need additional RPMs.
> Instead of installing "kmod-nvidia" you would install "nvidia-x11-drv".

This would be the file that you attached. And I put it where? /boot?

> Just change the version to the version of the nVidia driver you wish to

I suppose, for me, it would be 185.18.14-1

> When you install the package DKMS will build the kernel module.
> Make sure you remove all kmod/akmod packages before hand.

It seems pretty straightforwward, but so did it with akmod and it didn't
work, maybe because I have a newer video card than most people who
suggested using akmod. And maybe that's the problem the people at
RPMfusion are dealing with: certain cards might not play nice with the new
(For sure, by this time, they should have issued a communiqué. This really
is a piss off!)

I have no idea but, you know, when you're not an experienced user, any
little detail that you didn't get right, is apt to send you into a
nightmare that you feel you'll never get out of. That's why people like me
prefer the most standard solutions that let people with more knowledge
deal with the problems.

I did save your file, though. If RPMfusion stops providing kmod, I'll
certainly give it a try before reverting to Nouveau.

Maybe other people here will agree with you that DKMS is more convenient
than akmod, give it a try and ask RPMfusion to change its way of doing

Certainly, I must thank you for merely bringing to my attention the
existence of DKMS.

I'm eager to see the comments you will receive from more learned people.

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