F-11 and F-12 on same machine?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Wed Aug 26 12:25:04 UTC 2009

On Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:14:26 +0100
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> sharing the same /home (and /boot)?

Sometimes different versions of things that store junk in your
home directory in ~/.<whatever> files and directories can make
incompatible changes in the contents of that hidden stuff,
then when you boot back to the old version things don't all
work right. Other times there are no problems at all, but
you never know if it is gonna happen.

I always avoid sharing /boot if I can help it, kernel updates
will come along and change the order of things, messing with your
grub.conf file. My technique is always to make a separate /boot
(or just have one root partition that contains /boot as a subdir,
but that won't work for LVM or ext4 stuff that grub doesn't
understand). Anyway, when I install the 2nd system I'm careful
to tell it to install grub in the boot partition, not the MBR
of the disk, then in the grub.conf of the first system,
I add a chainload directive to boot the 2nd, something like:

title Fedora 12 Alpha x86_64
	rootnoverify (hd0,8)
	chainloader +1

I've done that for so long now, I've got a standalone /boot
partition with the associated fedora version long gone, and the
grub.conf in there having nothing except chainloader
entries :-).

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