About configuring a kernel, and CONFIG_PREEMPT

Jonathan Ryshpan jonrysh at pacbell.net
Wed Aug 26 15:23:26 UTC 2009

I need to rebuild the Fedora Kernel, something I haven't done for
many years, to (hopefully) reduce the large number of xruns that I'm
getting using jackd.  The plan is to build a preemtable kernel. 

     1. It look like the file .config in the kernel-devel RPM contains
        the configuration parameters for the kernel that goes with that
        version of kernel-devel.  For example, right now, I'm running
        kernel version, so this would mean
        that /usr/src/kernels/
        contains the configuration parameters for that kernel. 

     2. This .config file generates a kernel with voluntary preemption.
        Is this to avoid a bug or suchlike, or just to generate a kernel
        that's best for general use?

     3. The natural way to build the new kernel would seem to be to unpack 
	the kernel source, using 
		$ rpm --install kernel- 
	copy in the .config file from the kernel-devel package, and then
		rpmbuild -bb --short-circuit 
	to generate the new kernel RPMs.

	Unfortunately the --short-circuit argument cannot be combined with
	the -bb argument.  What's the best thing to do here?

A truncated version of this message was sent to the list because of the
(very treacherous) CTRL/NEWLINE shortcut in evolution.  Sorry about that.

Thanks - jon

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