Multiple IP addresses without aliasing?

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Sun Aug 30 21:50:58 UTC 2009

Ryan B. Lynch wrote:
> On 08/29/2009 04:18 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> But now you have gotten to the real heart of the matter, which is not
>> the aliases at all, but the filenames, if I read it correctly. And
>> that opens up a whole can of solutions, depending on the part of
>> Windows which is upset with the colon. Not knowing where the problem
>> lies, I can't offer the slightest help, but there are other shells for
>> Windows if the problem lies there, or whole Linux versions running in
>> VM, paravirtualized, under qemu, or as a microkernel using colinux.
> I'm going to save you several hours' worth of researching:  NTFS isn't
> capable of handling ':' characters in path names.  There is no simple
> way to handle this, client-side, even in SVN.
> You present a great idea, though--virtual machines!  Each Windows user
> could install and run a whole virtual machine, and just switch over to
> using Linux.  That sounds like a fantastic idea.  It's so easy, too--all
> I'd have to do is:
>  - install virtualization software on those workstations
>  - find or build a suitable Linux image
>  - convince Windows users that the memory and disk sacrifices are worthwhile
>  - teach/convince Windows users to use a Linux interface, dev tools, etc.
>  - support the users, maintain the Linux images, etc.
> Man, and I was going to write a 10-line BASH script that runs a couple
> of 'ip addr' commands.  Crazy, I know--I'm glad I can use virtualization
> to solve this problem, instead.

I thought you rejected that manual method and wanted it done in system scripts. 
You said
  "I'm familiar with the manual method.  What I'm wondering, now, is
  whether the init scripts support any method that achieve the same

There are a number of images which include the whole virtualization environment 
and as I recall fit on a CD. Your ten line script could be run at startup, pull 
the files to a Windows filesystem with renaming, and terminate. I thought 
Windows could share files now so it could be done on one machine without forcing 
anyone to dedicate 500MB to soling their problem.

And when I had to do filesharing with Macs and couldn't handle a "/" in 
filenames it was a UNIX problem, so I think you have a Windows problem. MacOS, 
don't know if OS/X allows that.

The whole idea of Linux developers doing development on Windows workstations 
sounds like a pretty unusual situation, to be honest.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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