Custom installation of Fedora

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Sat Aug 22 23:34:41 UTC 2009

On Sat, 22 Aug 2009 16:13:28 -0700
Markus Kesaromous wrote:

> Is it too much to ask to add the Install Everything button for Fedora????

Apparently yes: The word "everything" triggers some violent conditioned
response in the anaconda developers for some reason. (Something
like "Cleaning Lady" in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid and the old vaudeville
sketches it copied :-).

I seem to recall we did once get them to concede that a button
with a label something like:

[Select all optional packages in all package groups]

might be a reasonable addition, but I haven't seen even that
button appear yet.

Not to fear, however, there is a woefully underdocumented alternative:

Click on just one package to get focus in the right window, then
hit Ctrl-A - that will select everything in that group.

Then right click the mouse and you'll get a popup menu with
one option being "select all options packages".

So rather than 10,000 mouse clicks, you only need a few 10s
of mouse clicks. (And, of course, the omniscience to realize
it is possible).

If there is any way to get the popup menu via keyboard
rather than mouse, I have thus far lacked the omniscience
to discover it.

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