yum update and windows missing title bar

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 20:08:01 UTC 2009

On Wednesday 26 August 2009 18:27:41 Vijay Gill wrote:
> I ran an update today and now all windows are missing title bar so I cannot
> resize or move them around.

Window manager failed? Maybe some the following could help:

* log out and log back in
* killall plasma & plasma &&
* kwin --replace  (and look for any errors)
* read /var/log/messages for any info from kwin
* disable desktop effects
* reboot the machine (there were a lot of updates for KDE, maybe something got 
messed up wrt already running apps?)

Are you maybe using some other window manager? Compiz? WindowMaker? Something 

HTH, :-)

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