ARM microcontroller code development with eclipse?

KC8LDO kc8ldo at
Mon Dec 28 07:49:01 UTC 2009

Anybody using eclipse for code development using the bin tool chain for the 
ARM 7 and the C/C++ plug-in?

Also anybody have experience, or opinions, using FreeROTOS too? I have the 
pdf versions of the books they sell.

I'm looking for comments or suggestions on how to effectively setup the 
environment under Linux on a F11 or F12 box. This would be for hobby use to 
emulate what you get using the Keil uVision 3/4 IDE, admittedly without the 
big buck package $$.


Leland C. Scott

"There is only one boss. The customer.
And he can fire everybody in the
company from the chairman on down,
simply by spending his money somewhere

-Sam Walton

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