Clean your CD/DVD disks -- Just a PSA reminder !!!

William Case billlinux at
Sun Dec 20 17:18:07 UTC 2009


An old lesson re-learned for the umpteenth time.

Public Service Announcement

Last week I upgraded the MY machine to F12 with preupgrade etc.  No
problem.  This weekend I set out to install from the Fedora 12 LiveCD on
to two other older machines I have here.  On the first machine
everything worked the way it should.

On the second machine nothing would work right.  I won't embarrass
myself further by listing all of normal and dumb things I tried over
eight hours to get the LiveCD working and installing.  I took a break
and had a nice dinner then came back to machine #2.  Just on the
off-chance I cleaned the LiveCD disk -- and bingo everything worked.

It turns out CD drive on machine #1 was not sensitive to gunk or smudges
on the CD.  Machine #2's CD drive was.

No need for a reply.

I just thought I might pass on a useful reminder about checking your
disks first when in the throws of frustration while using disks that
should work but won't.

                                                            Regards Bill
                                                   Fedora 12, Gnome 2.28
                                                  Evo.2.28, Emacs 23.1.1

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