The Counter-Fedora People At #fedora

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Thu Dec 31 04:54:59 UTC 2009

Randy Yates wrote:
> Why do the following people, time after time, insist on banning me for
> asking fedora questions on #fedora?
>   VileGent
>   Khaytsus (or however you speel his name)
>   [R]
> They are absolute pricks. If the Fedora community wants to improve
> their position with the public, I suggest that they start monitoring
> #fedora for the utterly vehement, venomous, vicious attitudes these
> regulars have there and do a little pruning of operator priviledges.
> I have been a Fedora user for 4 years (since FC3). I have (for
> better or worse) provided documentation on some things that have
> helped me:
> I have encouraged my friends to switch to linux/fedora. I'm advising
> others. I've filed several bug reports. I'M ON-BOARD WITH FEDORA!
> So if you want to keep folks like me, and encourage others, please,
> PLEASE - clean up the #fedora channel from the egomaniac, self-centered,
> self-serving folks that spoil it for so many others.
> Have a good New Year!
Are you asking a question regarding an IRC chat room on the fedora
mailing list?  Those two things are separate.

One would like to stroke and caress human beings, but one dares not do
so, because they bite. -- Vladimir Il'ich Lenin Guess Who!

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