talk about your gEDA/pcb

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Fri Feb 6 19:22:29 UTC 2009

Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> Chitlesh GOORAH wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:23 PM, Kam Leo wrote:
>>> It's been years since I looked at gEDA. Back then (6-8 years ago)
>>> there was little integration among the tools. Is it still the case? By
>>> the way, I visited the and "open collector" sites and that's
>>> the impression that I's still getting.
>> Why don't you try yum install geda* ?
>> Chitlesh
> My basic problem is: where do I start?  I installed this with the
> hopes of testing out my version of a X10 like circuit (active
> and discrete components), and yet I look at the "Circuit" menu
> and I get flabergasted - because I was not sure what to do.
> Do I open xcircuit first, laydown the components from a
> library menu, and then once done, how do I get from there
> to spice?
> Perhaps an idiot-proof tutorial would come in handy so that
> one can go from an idea (a simple circuit will do) all the way
> through the process to the end-product?
> I mean, from conception, to schematic, to spice analysis, to pcboard
> (end product)?
> I think this would be of benefit and in case there already is one,
> where please? :)
> Thanks!
> Dan
I have worked through a tutorial on gEDA that didn't include spice.

I have just tried this spice tutorial.

Note, that there is a slight problem with the examples on this page. 
The examples have a case issue for the netnames in Vin and Vout.  I have 
emailed the author on this but have not gotten a reply.

Of course could start at the gEDA site.

I have only started trying to work with spice and my first experience 
with computerized design was with Multisim on Windows 95.

I would like to see the Linux tools move into a real time simulation 
like some of the commercial applications have.

I came across this but I have yet to try it.

Here is another gEDA and SPICE tutorial.  It is old though.  Again, I 
have not tried it.

Robin Laing

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