network manager / vpnc question

Mail Lists lists at
Mon Jan 19 21:39:23 UTC 2009

On 01/19/2009 04:23 PM, Craig White wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-19 at 15:56 -0500, Mail Lists wrote:
>> On 01/19/2009 03:52 PM, Mail Lists wrote:
>>> On 01/19/2009 03:42 PM, Mail Lists wrote:
>>>   seems like some of the arguments can be up, down, vpn-up or vpn-down
>>>    There must be some way to know which connection and which interface
>>> is being up'ed or downed ... i cannot find the docs anywhere ... where
>>> are the docs for this anyone know ?
>>   I still need help. Best I can tell
>>     $1 - is an interface (eth1, wlan0, etc)
>>     $2 - is one of "up", "down", "vpn-up", "vpn-down"
>>   I still have no idea which connection - the NM name - "work-ny-wired",
>> "work-london-wifdi", or "home-wifi" or whatever the name used in NM. It
>> does not seem to be passed to the scripts - so how can the scripts know
>> what the right thing to do is ?
> ----
> standard shell conventions for 2 arguments being passed, $1 is the first
> and $2 is the second and $0 is the command itself

   Yes I know  - question is what is passed to the scripts - things
needed for script include

     interface - which is probabl the first arg
     action    - which is probably the second

     which named connection is in play - which is not passed in as far
as I can tell.

> Honestly, I don't know what you're trying to accomplish by adding static
> routes - generally they are unnecessary unless you need to hop to a
> second vlan from vpn.

   Example - split routing while using vpn. The vpn adds a default route
via dev tun0 - which is fine if i am using the VPN in the office via
wireless. If i am at home, I may want default route via my router and
the additional routes are work only routes.

   Other things script may do is rotate local dns server, modify
sendmail mailertable, change ntp, proxies etc etc ..

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