Tom Horsley tom.horsley at att.net
Thu Jan 1 03:52:51 UTC 2009

On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:10:43 +0900
Nicholas Lysaght wrote:

> Does this mean that there is an existing UPS Monitoring Programme embedded
> in Fedora9?

I'm pretty sure the gnome power manager is just barely smart enough
to detect the UPS, but can't actually do anything with it.

I did a "yum install apcupsd" and "chkconfig --level 2345 apcupsd on"
to get the apc UPS monitoring software installed, and I have observed
in the logs that the default config will cleanly shutdown my system
after the power is off for a while, but it survives short outages,
so I've never changed the default config.

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