Package kit notification of uprade available

Claude Jones cjoneslists at
Mon Jul 20 14:59:43 UTC 2009

On 7/20/2009 3:32 AM, Richard Hughes wrote:
> Yes. PackageKit uses:
> yumbase.conf.yumvar['releasever']
> to get the current release version. If this still happens after a
> reboot, please open a bug with the component yum, and state that
> releasever isn't being detected

What is "yumbase.conf.yumvar['releasever']? Is that the name of a file? 
I could not locate anything with such a name on my computer, even 
stripping out the '['releasever']' part. I also looked through all the 
yum and packagekit configuration files and saw nothing resembling that...

Maybe it's just me, but I cannot figure out how to file a bug anymore. 
It used to be that you could take a circuitous route to get to a page 
that would allow you file a bug on red hat bugzilla, but clicking on the 
'file a new bug' link takes me to a page that has vaguely described 
search fields - vague in that it's not clear what you're supposed to 
search on and there's no explanation - entering the exact words you 
suggested took me to a failed to find page with no clue as to what to do 
next...there are no instructions, vaguely defined fields, and 
inscrutable results. I would like to file bugs, but, it's been like this 
for awhile now and I've complained before, but nobody seems to respond 
when I raise the problem. I'm no newbie, but an old guy - I've been 
running Linux on multiple machines for 7 years, and I'm a network 
administrator in a Windows shop, so I'm familiar with computers, but 
bugzilla just seems to get harder and harder - how can you expect people 
to participate if it's this time-consuming to simply find the way to 
enter the bug?

I'm not trying to vent on you, Richard... I know the contributions you 
make. But, if there's anyone you can pass this complaint along to, or if 
someone can point out to me the big obvious solution that's staring me 
in the face and I'm just blocking on, I would be glad to file a bug.
Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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