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Tim ignored_mailbox at yahoo.com.au
Sun Jul 5 04:24:42 UTC 2009

>> When you use a normal mail client program, you're free to write whatever
>> you like as the "from" address into its configuration.  Though, if you
>> want mail to be received by a list, that from address will have to be
>> one that you've subscribed with.  The list will reject mail from
>> unsubscribed addresses.

Bruno Wolff III:
> Not exactly. The list uses the envelope sender address to determine whether
> or not the message comes from a subscriber. People on the list or going
> to see the from header. These don't have to refer to the same email
> address.

True enough, though *some* lists may just use the from header...  

But, for most people, they don't write the envelope address, their SMTP
server does, and they don't play with its settings.  In some cases they
can't, because the SMTP server is managed by someone else.  In general,
it'll write the envelope address to be the same as the from header.

So, for the average person, playing with the from header is enough to
manage the sort of thing I described in the prior email.

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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