installing Python 3 on f11?

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Thu Nov 5 06:37:12 UTC 2009

  (i just asked about this on the test list but it seems that it's
equally appropriate here.)

  any problems with installing python-3.1.1 side-by-side on a fedora
11 system, and having programmers invoke it with an explicit reference
to "python3"?

  just for fun, i grabbed :

unloaded it under my home directory, found out quickly that i needed
to install tk-devel, tcl-devel and libsqlite3x-devel, did that, then
-- following the README -- ran

  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ make test

the only glitches were, during the test step, the occasional
diagnostic that a test was being skipped because some resource wasn't
enabled, such as:

test_codecmaps_cn skipped -- Use of the `urlfetch' resource not enabled

  beyond that, things seemed to work, after which i'd normally run

  # make install

if anyone else has gone down this road, any warnings?  and any hint as
to how to get that 'urlfetch' resource?  there doesn't appear to be
anything in the configure step that enables or disables that, and that
diagnostic shows up several times, albeit not fatally.

  in any event, can installing python-3.1.1 like this cause any grief
with the current system?  it's mostly for people who want to start
programming in python, and it seems to make sense to start them off
with python 3.


Robert P. J. Day                               Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

            Linux Consulting, Training and Kernel Pedantry.

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