Curiosity re the term 'Kit' ?!?

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Sat Nov 21 09:45:36 UTC 2009

2009/11/20 William Case <billlinux at>:
> As I get ready to upgrade/install to F12 an old curiosity question comes
> to mind.  Fedora now has several programs it has packaged with the
> designation 'Kit'.  PolicyKit, PackageKit and FirstAidKit come to mind.
> I assume it just means a bunch of programs, libraries and dependencies
> bundled together.

For me, choosing a project name of "Packaging manager" or Package
Abstraction API isn't very googleable. One made up word is easy to get
the domain for, and also easy to google without getting lots of
useless hits. Plus, a FooKit project already tells people it depends
on other *Kit projects. For instance, PackageKit needs
DeviceKit-power, PolicyKit and ConsoleKit.

I guess it's mostly about marketing potential.


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