How to tell IP address of remote machine?

Ed Greshko Ed.Greshko at
Sun Oct 25 15:35:45 UTC 2009

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>> I had a little program which I ran each day
>>> as a cron job to mail me the IP address of a machine
>>> in a different country.
> ..
>>> In any case, the program has ceased to work
>>> because the site heliohost seems to have gone off-line.
>>> I wonder if anyone knows of an alternative site
>>> which I could substitute?
>>> Or an alternative program?
>> On the other hand, I did another thing once upon a time....but simply
>> used a shell script and the output from ifconfig with a bit of grepping
>> and cutting.
> ifconfig only seems to give the local 192.168.*.* address.
> Is there some way of getting it to tell the true IP address?
Well...that is the "true" address of the machine.
> (The remote machine is attached to an ADSL modem.
> I can get the IP address by accessing the modem,
> but I am not sure how I could automate this.
> I guess I could use lynx, and try to abstract the address ...)
Now that you've given more detail...your system is connected to an ADSL
which is performing NAT.

I see others have given you some hints....  Should you want to got the
"site" way you can google "detect ip address" and come up with site like where you can divine the IP address of the WAN
port of ADSL modem.

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