snip extraneous quotes from your posts to the list, dammit

Robert L Cochran cochranb at
Sun Sep 13 13:52:43 UTC 2009

Do you give out tickets and fines, jail terms and excommunication for 
the crime of posting?


On 09/13/2009 02:06 AM, Tim wrote:
> Snip extraneous quotes from your posts to the list, dammit!  (You, and
> everyone else doing this.)
> It's a pain to read stuff when there's three pages of stuff that just
> isn't needed in a message, and has to be scrolled past to find the
> reply.
> It's a waste of everyone's time, bandwidth, and storage space.  You're
> not paying for any of that, including the list server's, so don't make
> things more expensive for those that are.

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