booting fedora 11 from a fedora 10 grub?

jackson byers byersjab at
Sun Sep 20 19:52:27 UTC 2009

In my opinion,
you should still show us
evidence that your f11 etc/fstab has[had] the same UUID
as shown in your f11 stanza.
[If during your sda2,sdb2 experiments you erased
the line[s] with UUIDs that the f11 installer put in fstab,
we cant tell, but if you just commented out the
installer lines that is ok for this purpose].

It would also be useful to see results of
# blkid
you can run this from your f10.

In my experience,
the UUID is also embedded internal to the initrd.img
and this also should be consistent with the UUID in grub.conf

to see this embedded UUID,
you have to  unpack the initrd.img and examine the 'init' file.

Here is how I do it on my f11
[root at localhost ~]# mkdir clean
[root at localhost ~]# cd clean
[root at localhost clean]# pwd
[root at localhost clean]# cp
/boot/bootf11usb3/initrd- .
[root at localhost clean]# ls
[root at localhost clean]# gunzip -c initrd- | cpio -i
13701 blocks
[root at localhost clean]# ls
bin  etc   initrd-  proc  sys      usr
dev  init  lib                                   sbin  sysroot
[root at localhost clean]# less init

near the end look for "mkrootdev" line:
echo Creating root device.
mkrootdev -t ext3 -o defaults,ro UUID=54c84c0a-040b-43bd-8887-202519baaae2


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