installing new graphics card FIXED

Kevin J. Cummings cummings at
Sun Sep 27 23:20:37 UTC 2009

On 09/27/2009 07:09 PM, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-09-26 at 16:49 -0700, Gerhard Magnus wrote:
>> Gerhard Magnus wrote:
>>>> I'd like to be able to back out of installing a new graphics card on a
>>>> system running FC11. Is there a file I can backup and then restore from
>>>> run level 3 if things don't work? I thought this file
>>>> was /etc/X11/xorg.conf but it doesn't seem to be there....
>>> If your system works without /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then you do not
>>> have anything to back up your system is auto-configuring itself at
>>> bootup. If you find you do need one with the new card, then you can
>>> just delete it if you go back to the old card.
>>> Mikkel
>>> -- 
>> Although the new card didn't work I was able to go back to the old
>> (onboard) one and reboot without problems.
>> Now, the matter of the new card. It's nvidia GeForce 6200 512MB -- of
>> the Series 6 (I think) which, according to
>> should work with FC11, although gamers on the Web complain about it's
>> being too old and slow. It works fine through the grub menu and the boot
>> process up to starting X -- and then the monitor stops getting a signal.
>> According to fedoraguide a driver for this card can be installed by
>> running:
>> yum install akmod-nvidia xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-libs.
> This (and a lot of other things) didn't work. What finally did work was
> installing kmod-nvidia (a guess) and rebooting into the new kernel.

When you install an akmod package for the first time, it does its work
during boot up, so, if you didn't reboot your system after installing,
it didn't check to see if it should build the appropriate kmod for you.

> Everything seems fine now. Why I have no idea.

Because you you installed an already built copy of the kernel module
(instead of rebooting and letting akmod build it for you).

> Not to get all Marvin Gaye here... but what's goin' on? Do cards from
> nvidia require a separate set of kernels? (If this question doesn't have
> a short answer maybe someone could suggest a webpage to look at....) 

And its not "a separate set of kernels", its a particular kernel module.
In this case, it would be the "nvidia" video driver, instead of the
default "nv" or "nouveau" driver; either of which *should* work with
your video card.  I have a GeForce 6200 in *my* server.  While its does
work with the "nv" driver, I choose to run the "nvidia" driver for its
XvMC support.

> Jerry

Kevin J. Cummings
kjchome at
cummings at
cummings at
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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